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TUN-4046 - Uniwersalna czujka ciepła
Universal heat detector TUN-4046
Addressable, multi-state heat detector
The universal, microprocessor TUN-4046 heat detector is designed for detection of fire hazard in rooms, where considerable increase or fast rise of temperature at initial phase of fire or due to other reasons can be expected.
The TUN-4046 heat detector is the universal one. It can be programmed (from the control panel level) on specified operation mode and work as the fixed or fixed/rate-of-rise heat detector. There is also a possibility of programming of the class of detector, such as: A1, A2, B, A2S, BS, A1R, A2R or BR according to European standard EN 54-5.
The optical smoke detector TUN-4046 can operate only in lines/loops of all addressable fire alarm panel POLON 4000 series.
CNBOP 1438/CPD/0018
Technical data:
- quiescent current 120μA
- power supply from fire alarm control panel
- temperature class A1, A2, B, A2S, BS, A1R, A2R, BR
- operation temperature -25ºC ÷ +55ºC
- base G-40