- Telewizja dozorowa
- Systemy alarmowe
- Kontrola dostępu
- Interkomy kasowe
- Systemy sygnalizacji pożaru
- Domofony i wideodomofony
- Systemy automatyki bramowej i bariery
- Sieci LAN i Wi-Fi
- System ostrzegania
- Szafy przełączające i serwerowe, akcesoria
- Narzędzia
- Przewody, listwy i łączniki, trzymaki
- Zasilacze, Akumulatory, Transformator
- Akcesoria do przyczep kempingowych i kamperów
- Montaż elektryki
- Energia słoneczna
- Energia wiatrowa
- Kontakt
The RP501S set consists of a four channel receiver RP501R and four channel transmitter RP501T. The product features excellent sensitivity, selectivity and complies with the latest EU relevant standards concerning SRD (Short Range Devices) of remote control products. The set offers four channel data paging, suitable in remote control and security system applications. The set uses microprocessor controlled input/output logic with 64-bit signal coding and features up to 500m operating range in open field (with 20cm wire aerials). Even better range is obtainable with dipole UHF band TV antenna fitted with coaxial cable to the receiver. One receiver can operate with many transmitters in a system. The transmitter is powered either by 12VDC supply or, thanks to very low power requirements, by 2 x 1,5V AA batteries. The receiver is 12VDC powered and has four programmable NO/NC relay outputs. Output S (open collector type) is for connecting external signalling device. The receiver features also TAMPER switch and bicolour LED for programming and output status indication. The RP501S offers four operation modes: (1) Real time paging in which transmitter's signalling lasts as long as one of its inputs remain open; (2) Prolonged (best recommended in alarm systems) pulse paging lasting 15s or 40s (selectable) on any, even very short opening of any of transmitter's inputs; (3) Relay paging in which every change of transmitter's inputs state (input open or input close) is signalled and corresponding receiver's relay outputs activated exactly the same way; (4) Modified relay paging meaning that transmitter sends signals not only on every input state change (as in mode 3) but also it sends refreshing data every 80 seconds updating receiver's outputs as protection in case of power supply malfunction or radio interference. The receiver RP501R or the transmitter RP501T are offered as a set RP501S or separatelly.
Technical specification
- fixed code transmission
- operating frequency: 433,92 MHz
- power supply of receiver 12 VDC, transmitter 12VDC or battery 2xAA
- output relay ratings: 1A, 120VAC/30VDC
- number of channels/relay ourputs: 4
- approximate range in open field: up to 500m
- 4 working modes
- operating temperature range of receiver: -20 to + 40C, transmitter: 0 to +40 C
- signal output S (1A/60V max.) OC type,
- sabotage alarm terminal NC type (at box closed)
- external dimmensions: (L/W/D) 96/63/28mm.