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- Podwójne detektory PIR + MW
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- Zasilacze, Akumulatory, Transformator
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- Montaż elektryki
- Energia słoneczna
- Energia wiatrowa
- Kontakt
Optical smoke and heat multisensor; detects large smoke particles or small smoke particles with heat rising; operating temperature: −10°C... +55°C; output NC; test button; latch input.
Technical parameters | |
Description | Optical smoke and heat multisensor; detects large smoke particles or small smoke particles with heat rising; operating temperature: −10°C... +55°C; output NC; test button; latch input. |
Outputs | alarm NC |
Inputs | latch input |
Current consumption | 15mA |
Operating temperature | −10°C ... +55°C |
Weight | 200g |
Dimensions (Diam x H) | 107 x 55mm |
Distance between detectors | < 7m |