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Prestige AMQD Plus
Texecom (AFA-0001) Prestige AMQD Plus Anti-Mask 15m PIR Grade 3
Inspired by a design philosophy of contemporary styling combined with the most innovative advanced detection performance, the Texecom Prestige AM Series is intended for those who require the very best. The result is a timeless series of Grade 3 component standard motion detectors that surpass EN 50131 Grade 3 security system requirements. With unrivalled detection technologies, Active IR Anti-Masking, Local Self Test, Remote Self Test, Triple End-Of-Line (T-EOL) Signalling and Remote LED Disable, the Prestige AM Series strengthens Texecom’s reputation for providing world-class detector performance.
•15m Genuine Quad Element Detection
•Wall Tamper Detection
•TS 50131-2-2 Grade 3 Compliance
•15m Volumetric PIR & Microwave Detection
•Wall Tamper Detection
•TS 50131-2-4 Grade 3 Compliance