- Telewizja dozorowa
- Systemy alarmowe
- Kontrola dostępu
- Interkomy kasowe
- Systemy sygnalizacji pożaru
- Domofony i wideodomofony
- Systemy automatyki bramowej i bariery
- Sieci LAN i Wi-Fi
- System ostrzegania
- Szafy przełączające i serwerowe, akcesoria
- Narzędzia
- Przewody, listwy i łączniki, trzymaki
- Zasilacze, Akumulatory, Transformator
- Akcesoria do przyczep kempingowych i kamperów
- Montaż elektryki
- Energia słoneczna
- Energia wiatrowa
- Kontakt
Device transforms the DC input voltage from 6-12V range to DC 12V output voltage.
The small dimensions and current efficiency equal 2A allow to use this transformer in places, where due to long distance from power source, variable current consumption or small cross section of the wires do not allow the stable cameras powering. Especially in installations where to one power line are connected all system components like cameras, heaters or IR illuminators. When you power on the heaters or IR illuminator, the power consumption will increase and voltage of this line will drop. So, the camera power voltage might be below the suitable level (12V -10%). To prevent this problem use the 6-12V/12V/2A voltage transformer to power the cameras.
This device can't be use outdoors (directly to weather conditions).
Input voltage:
DC 6V - 12V
Output voltage:
DC 12V stabilized
Max. output current:
Output connector:
DC 2.1/5.5mm plug
Casing type:
61 x 32 x 16 mm
80 g