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DS-K1F820-F - Optical Fingerprint Recorder
Hikvision’s DS-K1F820-F Fingerprint Recorder supports living fingerprint registration and identification.
It connects to a computer directly through the USB interface and uploads/downloads fingerprint characteristic data and image to the controller/module.
It also checks the completeness of the registered fingerprint.
System Parameters
Fingerprint Reader Optical,
Red Backlight
Operation System Windows XP,
Windows7, and Windows 10
Video Parameters
Resolution 508 dpi
CPU 32bit MCU
Communication Interface USB 2.0
Working Temperature -30°C to +70°C (-22°F to 158°F)
Working Humidity: 20% to 80%
Dimensions: 100mm × 48mm × 35mm (3.9” × 1.9” × 1.4”)