- Videonovērošana
- Apsardzes signalizācija
- Kontroles sistēmas
- Sarunu sistēmas
- Ugunsdzēsības sistēmas
- Audio un Video domofoni
- Automātika vārtiem un barjeras
- Tīkla iekārtas
- Apskaņošanas sistēmas
- Kommutācijas un Serveru skapji, piederumi
- Instrumenti
- Kabeļi,aizsegi,caurules un piederumi
- Barošanas bloki,transformatori un akumulātori
- Piekabju un kemperu piederumi
- Elektromontāža
- Saules enerģija
- Vēja enerģija
- Kontakti

• Total power (instantaneous): 500VA,
• Rated power (continuous): 350W,
• Idle current: <1A,
• Cooperation with solar panels: No,
• Entry:
- Voltage: 140 ~ 275VAC,
- Frequency: 45 ~ 65Hz,
• Exit:
- Voltage: 230VAC (+/- 1% in battery mode / +/- 8% in network mode),
- Frequency: 50Hz +/- 0.5Hz,
- Voltage waveform: pure sine wave,
- Distortion: <3%,
• Priority selection button (mains / battery): Yes,
• Selecting the charging current (5 / 10A): Yes,
• Protections: overload, temperature, over and undervoltage, battery discharge, short circuit, overcharge,
• Battery voltage: 12VDC,
• Maximum charging current: 10A,
• Dimensions: 230 x 145 x 180mm (width x length x height),
• Weight: 5.1 kg
• Rated power (continuous): 350W,
• Idle current: <1A,
• Cooperation with solar panels: No,
• Entry:
- Voltage: 140 ~ 275VAC,
- Frequency: 45 ~ 65Hz,
• Exit:
- Voltage: 230VAC (+/- 1% in battery mode / +/- 8% in network mode),
- Frequency: 50Hz +/- 0.5Hz,
- Voltage waveform: pure sine wave,
- Distortion: <3%,
• Priority selection button (mains / battery): Yes,
• Selecting the charging current (5 / 10A): Yes,
• Protections: overload, temperature, over and undervoltage, battery discharge, short circuit, overcharge,
• Battery voltage: 12VDC,
• Maximum charging current: 10A,
• Dimensions: 230 x 145 x 180mm (width x length x height),
• Weight: 5.1 kg