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Nominālā jauda: 140 Ah
Kopējais augstums: 233 mm
Augstums: 233 mm
Platums: 172mm
Garums: 407 mm
Svari: 33,5 kg (73,85 mārciņas) ± 3%
Jauda (pie 25°C) 20h (10,5V):140 Ah
Ietilpība (pie 25°C) 10 h (10,5 V): 126 Ah
Ietilpība (pie 25°C) 3h (10.2V):90Ah
Ietilpība (pie 25°C) 1h (9,6V):72 Ah
Iekšējā pretestība (pie 25°C): 3,9 mOhm
Ietilpība: (40°C): 102%
Ietilpība (25°C): 100%
Ietilpība (0°C): 85%
Produktivitāte (-15°C):65%
Pašizlāde (25°C) 3 mēneši: 91% no nominālās jaudas
Pašizlāde (25°C) 6 mēneši: 82% no nominālās jaudas
Pašizlāde (25°C) 12 mēneši: 64% no nominālās jaudas
Ieteicamā darba temperatūra:25°C±3°C
Darba temperatūras diapazons - Izlāde: -15°C līdz 50°C
Darba temperatūras diapazons - uzlāde: -10°C līdz 50°C
Darba temperatūras diapazons - uzglabāšana: -20°C līdz 50°C
Bufera uzlādes spriegums (25°C): 13,5 - 13,8 V līdzstrāva
Riteņbraukšanas spriegums (25°C): 14,4 - 14,7 VDC
Maksimālā uzlādes strāva: 35A
Maksimālā izlādes strāva: 1200A
The battery of the GEL series (gel) is intended, among other things: for powering photovoltaic systems or vehicles where the battery is subject to shocks and charging from pulsed sources, such as solar controllers. Thanks to its gel-like electrolyte design, the GEL (Gel) battery is ideal for cycling even with deep discharges. Achieves several times more discharge cycles than AGM batteries. The estimated service life is up to 12 years with buffer operation at a temperature of 25 °C. The most important features: A GEL (Gel) battery is similar in structure to an AGM battery, except that in a Gel battery, the electrolyte is stored as a gel-like paste. Due to this design, it has better electrolyte leakage resistance than AGM battery. Automatic sealing system. When the pressure inside the accumulator is too high, the valves open, causing the resulting gas to be safely expelled outside the case and prevent damage. This happens when the battery is being recharged. The body of the battery is made of ABS plastic, the elements are made of copper.