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CH-20HR - 20 Kanālu uztvērējs 433.92MHz 100m
This microprocessor controlled 20 output channels radio receiver is designed to operate with large number of hopping code transmitters or detectors in wireless alarms and access control systems. It features KEELOQ® code hopping transmitter verification system allowing highest level of security. The receiver provides 20 galvanic separated NC/NO relay outputs, each with front panel LED indication. The output channels may be programmed for momentary (pulse) operation or latched (on/off) operation. Other features include transmitter's low battery warning indication and, in operation with selected transmitters, radio communication failure and transmitter's case opening sabotage protection signaling. The CH20H receiver operates with all Elmes Electronic made 434MHz band transmitters.
Application examples:
Dedicated wireless alarm control panel armed on/off by UMB100H hand transmitter programmed to channel no 1, monitoring alarm signals from Elmes Electronic wireless transmitters such as CTX, PTX, GBX and RP501 as calling and wireless panic button control panel in a system where many users have AN200H hand transmitter as personal wireless panic button. Any AN200H transmitter activated would generate alarm state in the receiver lasting until reset by the use of big red button at the receiver's front panel. Two channel hand transmitters used as wireless panic buttons may have one button used for quiet calling function while other for panic alarm function.
As any standard alarm system receiver monitoring alarm, tamper and low battery signals from used Elmes Electronic code hopping wireless equipment, switching on/off respective alarm zones in the main system control panel.
- operating frequency band is 433,92MHz, superheterodyne, .
- operating with any ELMES 433,92MHz transmitters,
- 20 NO/NC relay outputs operating in pulse or on/off modes,
- front panel indication by LED-s,
- communication with detector failure warning,
- radio jamming sabotage warning,
- transmitter's low battery monitoring