Guidelines for bonding solar system fixing elements
Sanding of the fixing element and bonding place
Product: fine abrasive fabric
Goal: obtain a slightly matted surface to be bonded
Instructions: sand the bottom surface of the fixing element with an abrasive cloth and the place of bonding. To improve the aesthetics of bonding, secure the remaining surface with paper tape.
Activation of bonding surface
Product: Sika@ Aktivator-100
Goal: promote and improve adhesion on various substrates
Instructions: Wipe bond faces with a clean, lint-free paper towel moistened (not wet) with Sika@ Aktivator-100. Immediately wipe-off with a clean, dry, lint-free paper towel. Never dip the towel into the activator. Ideal application and surface temperature is between 15 oc and 25 0C, flash-off time is 10 minutes.
Primering of bonding surface
Product: Sika@ Primer 206 G+P
Goal: enhancing adhesion on various substrates
Instructions: Secure place of bonding with paper tape. Shake the can very thoroughly until mixing balls rattle freely. Continue shaking for another minute and apply a thin but covering coat with a brush, felt or foam applicator. Sika@ Primer-206 G+P has to be applied once only, ensure that this single application gives adequately dense coverage. Ideal application and surface temperature is between 15 o c and 25 0C, flash-off time is min. 10 minutes. (Apply on both bonding parts???)
Bonding of fixing elements Product: Sikaflex@-252
Instructions: Apply sufficient amount of adhesive on the fixing element or on bonding surface still secured with paper tape. Press the fixing element to the surface within 30 minutes of the open time of the adhesive. Remove any excess of the adhesive immediately after pressing bonding elements. Remover paper tape. Curing time depends on temperature and atmospheric moisture. In 23 oc and 50 % relative humidity, handing strength is built after 24 hours.