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- Kontakt
OPC-KO2 - receiver, 1000 metres
- superheterodyne
- 2-channel
- hopping code
- 433,92 MHz
receiver cooperates with any sender of our production. The range of the
sets comprising this receiver varies from 200 to 1000 metres (depending
on the remote control).
type of receiving module: superheterodyne
sensitivity: -115 dBm
memory capacity: 113
voltage supply:
nominal: 12 V DC
allowable: 10-15 V DC
power consumption:
static: 17 mA
maximal: 60 mA -
relay output: 1A/ 30 V DC
S transistor output: 0,5A/ 12 V DC
sabotage output: 50mA/ 12 V DC -
number of relays: 2
relay's operating mode: mono or bistable
time scope for the mono mode: ~1s-4min20s
operating temperature range: -20 to +40 °C
level of the case security: IP 67
antenna socket: BNC 50 Ohm
dimensions (mm): 130*80*35
cooperation: any GE sender
operating range (m): 200-1000
200 m PUK 101, PUK 102, PUK 104, PUK 112-1, PUK 112-2
300 m PUK 151, PUK 152
400 m PNH 201 hermetic button
600 m PUK 303 remote control
1000 m RNB 101, RNB 101S remote controls, and NRP 102or NRP 102W stationary sender