- Telewizja dozorowa
Systemy alarmowe
- Mini alarmy
- Układy Bezprzewodowe
- Centrale alarmowe
- Detektory PIR
- Podwójne detektory PIR + MW
- Detektory zbicia szkła
- Styki magnetyczne
- Czujniki wstrząsów
- Czujnik zalania
- Detektory wycieku gazu
- Detektor temperatury
- Czujki przeciwpożarowe
- Bezpieczeństwo obwodowe
- Urządzenia antywłamaniowe (przyciski)
- Akcesoria
- Akustyczne, optyczne urządzenia sygnalizacyjne
- Kable alarmowe
- Kontrola dostępu
- Interkomy kasowe
- Systemy sygnalizacji pożaru
- Domofony i wideodomofony
- Systemy automatyki bramowej i bariery
- Sieci LAN i Wi-Fi
- System ostrzegania
- Szafy przełączające i serwerowe, akcesoria
- Narzędzia
- Przewody, listwy i łączniki, trzymaki
- Zasilacze, Akumulatory, Transformator
- Akcesoria do przyczep kempingowych i kamperów
- Montaż elektryki
- Energia słoneczna
- Energia wiatrowa
- Kontakt
Operation with up to 40 Elmes Electronic made KEELOQ® hopping code transmitters and wireless detectors and eight relay outputs channels are the main characteristic features of the receiver. Designed for operation in alarm systems and access control this small size compact receiver is recommended for applications with required transmitter and detector identification or, where wireless devices need to be multi-channel interfaced with wired alarm environment. The receiver provides eight programmable and isolated form supply voltage NO/NC (NO-normally opened, NC-normally closed) relay outputs and one open collector type output S for connecting external signalling device. The output channels may be programmed for momentary (pulse) operation or latched (on/off) operation. The S output delivers two short pulses (two beeps) on any relay set and one (one beep) on any relay reset. The receiver comes with superheterodyne, highly sensitive radio signals receiving module and features built in bicolour LED used for power supply and programming steps indication. Eight signalling LED diodes indicate output relay set in channels. Other important features of the receiver include anti-sabotage TAMPER function alarming and low battery warning of all wireless detectors learned and operating with the receiver.
- operating frequency band is 433,92MHz, superheterodyne,
- operating with any ELMES 433,92MHz keyfobs or transmitters,
- eight NO/NC relay outputs operating in pulse or on/off modes,
- front panel indication by LED-s,
- communication with detector failure warning,
- transmitter's low battery monitoring.