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- Szafy przełączające i serwerowe, akcesoria
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- Kontakt
Ajax WaterStop - ½" (DN 15):¾" (DN 20):1" (DN 25)
Remotely controlled water shutoff valve
WaterStop automatically shuts off the water in 5 seconds at a facility with an Ajax security system if LeaksProtect or a third-party water leak detector is triggered. The device combines a high-quality valve and a powerful electric actuator. You can control WaterStop and check its status from anywhere in the world — all you need is an Internet connection and an Ajax app. You can also create a scenario to shut the water off at a specific time or when arming the system.
WaterStop automatically shuts off the water in 5 seconds at a facility with an Ajax security system if LeaksProtect or a third-party water leak detector is triggered. The device combines a high-quality valve and a powerful electric actuator. You can control WaterStop and check its status from anywhere in the world — all you need is an Internet connection and an Ajax app. You can also create a scenario to shut the water off at a specific time or when arming the system.