- Telewizja dozorowa
Systemy alarmowe
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- Detektory PIR
- Podwójne detektory PIR + MW
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- Systemy automatyki bramowej i bariery
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- System ostrzegania
- Szafy przełączające i serwerowe, akcesoria
- Narzędzia
- Przewody, listwy i łączniki, trzymaki
- Zasilacze, Akumulatory, Transformator
- Akcesoria do przyczep kempingowych i kamperów
- Montaż elektryki
- Energia słoneczna
- Energia wiatrowa
- Kontakt
DG457 - Glassbreak Bus Detector
-Two operational modes (addressable for the Digiplex EVO series or conventional relay operation)
-Remote test mode when used with Test Trek V2
-Full audio and infrasonic spectrum analysis
-7 frequency digital filters, digital amplifier gain and frequency fluctuation assessment
-Impact and shock wave analysis
-High-immunity to RFI and EMI signals
-Adjustable sensitivity: covers up to 9m (30ft) when set to high and up to 4.5m (15ft) when set to low
-TestTrek (459) used for testing available separately
-Anti-tamper switch
-Two operational modes (addressable for the Digiplex EVO series or conventional relay operation)
-Remote test mode when used with Test Trek V2
-Full audio and infrasonic spectrum analysis
-7 frequency digital filters, digital amplifier gain and frequency fluctuation assessment
-Impact and shock wave analysis
-High-immunity to RFI and EMI signals
-Adjustable sensitivity: covers up to 9m (30ft) when set to high and up to 4.5m (15ft) when set to low
-TestTrek (459) used for testing available separately
-Anti-tamper switch