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- Podwójne detektory PIR + MW
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- Energia słoneczna
- Energia wiatrowa
- Kontakt
525DM Microwave and Infrared Digital Dynamic Proximity Motion Detector
Digital microwave/infrared detection
Dynamic proximity feature allows for the detection of close proximity movements (less than 0.75m / 2.5ft) within the detector range
Adjustable microwave range
Two auto pulse settings; one for typical environment (normal), and one for high false alarm rejection (high)
Installer Test Mode: test microwave and infrared detection individually
12m (40ft) X 12m (40ft); 90° viewing angle
Digital microwave/infrared detection
Dynamic proximity feature allows for the detection of close proximity movements (less than 0.75m / 2.5ft) within the detector range
Adjustable microwave range
Two auto pulse settings; one for typical environment (normal), and one for high false alarm rejection (high)
Installer Test Mode: test microwave and infrared detection individually
12m (40ft) X 12m (40ft); 90° viewing angle