- Telewizja dozorowa
- Systemy alarmowe
- Kontrola dostępu
- Interkomy kasowe
- Systemy sygnalizacji pożaru
- Domofony i wideodomofony
- Systemy automatyki bramowej i bariery
- Sieci LAN i Wi-Fi
- System ostrzegania
- Szafy przełączające i serwerowe, akcesoria
- Narzędzia
- Przewody, listwy i łączniki, trzymaki
- Zasilacze, Akumulatory, Transformator
- Akcesoria do przyczep kempingowych i kamperów
- Montaż elektryki
- Energia słoneczna
- Energia wiatrowa
- Kontakt
Inwertery solarne
The stable 230V (220V, 240V) sinusoidal output voltage is ideal for powering all power receivers, and the built-in inrush overload support system allows you to power receivers with high starting current, such as compressors in refrigerators and units.
Configuration and control of the inverter is available through an intuitive control panel that can be installed in a convenient location up to 20 m away from the inverter.
New in the ESB series inverters is also the ability to control the inverter with a smartphone and a mobile application that replaces the control panel.
The most important feature of inverters is the ability to build hybrid power systems without an external battery, which has a significant impact on the cost and reliability of the system and return on investment.