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IPS-4000S PRO ECO MODE, SINUS 12VDC/230VAC sprieguma pārveidotājs

pure sine
Input voltage [VDC]: 11 ÷ 15 VDC
Output voltage [VAC]: 230 VAC
Maximum power: 4000 VA
Instantaneous power ~ 30 seconds: 2300 VA
Continuous power: 2000 VA
Voltage waveform at the output: Sinusoidal
Soft start of induction motors: YES
Overload protection: YES
Short-circuit protection: YES
Thermal protection: 80 ° C
Supply overvoltage protection: 15 VDC
No-load current consumption ECO MODE: Standby current consumption 0.5A automatic detection of connected receivers with a power greater than 1W.
ECO MODE operation selection: YES
Steering remote control: Radio - range up to 100 meters
Operating parameters display: Battery voltage, charge status
Low battery warning: YES
Working temperature: -25 ° C ~ + 55 ° C
Efficiency:> 92%
Cooling: Active
Power connection: M8 screw connection
230V output socket: 2 x E (with pin)
Housing: Aluminum
Degree of protection (IP): IP21
Dimensions LxWxH [mm]: 340x210x150
Weight [kg]: 5.50 kg
Input voltage [VDC]: 11 ÷ 15 VDC
Output voltage [VAC]: 230 VAC
Maximum power: 4000 VA
Instantaneous power ~ 30 seconds: 2300 VA
Continuous power: 2000 VA
Voltage waveform at the output: Sinusoidal
Soft start of induction motors: YES
Overload protection: YES
Short-circuit protection: YES
Thermal protection: 80 ° C
Supply overvoltage protection: 15 VDC
No-load current consumption ECO MODE: Standby current consumption 0.5A automatic detection of connected receivers with a power greater than 1W.
ECO MODE operation selection: YES
Steering remote control: Radio - range up to 100 meters
Operating parameters display: Battery voltage, charge status
Low battery warning: YES
Working temperature: -25 ° C ~ + 55 ° C
Efficiency:> 92%
Cooling: Active
Power connection: M8 screw connection
230V output socket: 2 x E (with pin)
Housing: Aluminum
Degree of protection (IP): IP21
Dimensions LxWxH [mm]: 340x210x150
Weight [kg]: 5.50 kg