- Gatavie videonovērošanas komplekti
- IP Sistēmas
- AHD Videonovērošana
- TVI Videonovērošana
- CVI Videonovērošana
- Transporta videonovērošana
- Datu glabāšanas iekārtas
- Portatīvas video kameras
- Thermal, Termālie tēmēkļi
- DVR kārbas
- Videokameras
- Objektīvi
- Kronšteini un apvalki
- Monitori
- Ierīces video attēlošanai - video signāla apstrāde un pārsūtīšana
- Barošanas bloki, UPS
- Grozāmie mehānismi
- IR + LED prožektori
- Kabelis
- Zibens aizsardzība
- Silikagels
- Mikrofoni
- Konektori
- arhivs
- Apsardzes signalizācija
- Kontroles sistēmas
- Sarunu sistēmas
- Ugunsdzēsības sistēmas
- Audio un Video domofoni
- Automātika vārtiem un barjeras
- Tīkla iekārtas
- Apskaņošanas sistēmas
- Kommutācijas un Serveru skapji, piederumi
- Instrumenti
- Kabeļi,aizsegi,caurules un piederumi
- Barošanas bloki,transformatori un akumulātori
- Piekabju un kemperu piederumi
- Elektromontāža
- Saules enerģija
- Vēja enerģija
- Kontakti
EZVIZ SMART WI-FI videokamera ar akumulatoru
A versatile choice for simpler protection
The CB1 is EZVIZ’s new flexible and reliable indoor battery camera that can basically go anywhere inside your home. Thanks to its wire-free design and adjustable magnetic stand, you will easily find the perfect spot to get the most areas in your living space. This camera also comes packed with several essential features, including great video quality and night vision, human motion detection, two-way communication, sleep mode, and more.
The CB1 is EZVIZ’s new flexible and reliable indoor battery camera that can basically go anywhere inside your home. Thanks to its wire-free design and adjustable magnetic stand, you will easily find the perfect spot to get the most areas in your living space. This camera also comes packed with several essential features, including great video quality and night vision, human motion detection, two-way communication, sleep mode, and more.