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ECO Solar Boost MPPT-3000 3kW Saules pārveidotājs ūdens sildīšanai

Input voltage [VDC]: 120 to 350 (VDC)
Output voltage [VAC]: 120 to 350 (VAC)
Maximum power: 3 kW
MPPT function: Yes
Combination of PV panels: serial, or serial parallel
Winner of voltage on the output: Sinus modified
VAC output No. 1: priority
VAC output No. 2: dependent *
Pod / overvoltage protection: Yes
Thermal protection: Yes
Overload protection: Yes
Working temperature: -25 ° C ~ + 55 ° C
Efficiency:> 94%
Cooling: Active
Power connector: MC4
230V output socket: 2 x E (with Bolcem)
Housing: aluminum
Degree of protection (IP): IP21
Dimensions LXWXH [mm]: 290x190x80
Weight [kg]: 2.4 kg
Output voltage [VAC]: 120 to 350 (VAC)
Maximum power: 3 kW
MPPT function: Yes
Combination of PV panels: serial, or serial parallel
Winner of voltage on the output: Sinus modified
VAC output No. 1: priority
VAC output No. 2: dependent *
Pod / overvoltage protection: Yes
Thermal protection: Yes
Overload protection: Yes
Working temperature: -25 ° C ~ + 55 ° C
Efficiency:> 94%
Cooling: Active
Power connector: MC4
230V output socket: 2 x E (with Bolcem)
Housing: aluminum
Degree of protection (IP): IP21
Dimensions LXWXH [mm]: 290x190x80
Weight [kg]: 2.4 kg