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12 V Ladēšānas ierīce BC-40 PRO LFP 40A LCD. batteries, AGM / GEL / WET / LiFePO4
12 V mains charger for BC-40 PRO LFP 40A (230V / 12V) LCD batteries, AGM / GEL / WET / LiFePO4
Supply voltage: 190 ÷ 265 VAC
Charging voltage: 14.2 / 14.6 / 14.8 VDC
Sustaining voltage: 13.2 / 13.5 / 13.8 VDC
Voltage in power supply mode: 13.2 / 13.4 / 13.8 VDC
Maximum power :: 600 W
Maximum charging current: 40 A
Recommended battery capacity: 25-400 Ah
Short-circuit protection: Yes
Thermal protection: 80 ° C
Duplete power supply: Yes
Protection of charging polarization: No
Working temperature: 0 ° C ~ + 40 ° C
Efficiency:> 88%
Cooling: Intelligent - Active
Power connector: Cable with a 230VAC slot plug
Charging connector: 2 x Cable clamp max. 16mm2
Cable with "crocodile type" tips for the battery
Ground socket: Yes
Housing: aluminum
Degree of protection (IP): IP21
Supply voltage: 190 ÷ 265 VAC
Charging voltage: 14.2 / 14.6 / 14.8 VDC
Sustaining voltage: 13.2 / 13.5 / 13.8 VDC
Voltage in power supply mode: 13.2 / 13.4 / 13.8 VDC
Maximum power :: 600 W
Maximum charging current: 40 A
Recommended battery capacity: 25-400 Ah
Short-circuit protection: Yes
Thermal protection: 80 ° C
Duplete power supply: Yes
Protection of charging polarization: No
Working temperature: 0 ° C ~ + 40 ° C
Efficiency:> 88%
Cooling: Intelligent - Active
Power connector: Cable with a 230VAC slot plug
Charging connector: 2 x Cable clamp max. 16mm2
Cable with "crocodile type" tips for the battery
Ground socket: Yes
Housing: aluminum
Degree of protection (IP): IP21